When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. Her expression on her look said everything. I thought to myself "did I do anything wrong today." My answer went blank. I was afraid, I wonder what was next. As time past I wonder if she was going to say something to me. But we just smiled at each other back and forth.
Then she said "so what are you up to," I said nothing much same thing doing homework studying hard. She was like, oh I have a big surprise for you but you have to wait until it comes to you. I thought to myself what it could have been, but my mind was not thinking as usual. I went to my room and my mother to the kitchen. I was doing homework and she was cooking for our dinner. The food smelled delicious. I thought she was doing my favorite food but no it wasn't. I just kept thinking and thinking nothing came to my mind, nothing at all. My mind was just blank.
Then all of a sudden someone came knocking on the door I was surprised because nobody ever comes visiting us at all. But it was just my dad and my little brother. I thought my father brought the surprise but no. As time past everyone was quiet, we were eating. My mother, father, my sister, and my little brother they were all smiling at me and I smiled back but I still wondered.
Another knock on the door my mother hurried to open the door. I was surprised by the knock and the way my mother ran. Then a unknown voice. I wonder who it was. Then everyone came to the living room. I was shocked there was a cute man older than I was. He was like five years older than me. He looked like he was in his 20. Then as we all sat down my father started talking. He said "this young man here Diego, is the man of your life we want you guys to marry as soon as possible. I jumped up off the sofa I said, dad are you serious I barley know this guy named Diego. I am still young, I am not ready to make my own family with a stranger. My mother said it is time that you make your own family you are old in of to make us your parents happy. I said make you guys happy by marrying this guys. Then Diego said I am not that guy that will abuse of you I promise.
Then in his knees he knelled down and said "will you marry me." My answer was, "no". He begged that he will make me happy but my answer still was a no. My mother said plaese do this for us, her smile tried to convince me, but i was just not ready I wanted to keep studying. Then as nicely i ask Diego to leave and that he should find another woman that is not me. He left with the ring in his hand. My parents were all sad but that was my answer. As months past my parents got over of what i did but they got my idea that i wanted to be someone important in my life. So at the end as more years past I was looking for a partner that I will love and he will love me. But not only this but that I got to know this person and nobody had to get a man for me.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
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