Monday, May 18, 2009

The Diary of Anne Frank

Page 832 #1-8

1. The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why?
The hardest rule that would be for me is to be quiet and not move from 9 a.m. till the clock strikes 6:00 p.m. It will be hard for me because I can’t stay still for a lot of time and be quiet if especially I have people next to me.

2. A) In Scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms?
In Scene 1, what Mr. Frank finds in the secret room is things that were left behind from when the SS took them to the concentration camps. Mr. Frank found a white glove that belonged to Anne, a scarf that Anne made him when they all celebrated Hanukkah, and Miep gave Mr. Frank Anne’s diary in the secret room.

B) How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?
These objects are connected to the rest of the act because that was the last things that he has of his daughter Anne. Also it was the only thing that was left behind and means a lot to Mr. Frank.

3. A) What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?
The special meaning of Hanukkah to the family is that no matter what was happening around them and the condition they were living in that it was going to be a time to celebrate and be together.

B) What do Anne’s presents show about her?
Anne’s presents show that she realized that she was doing wrong with all the people in the secret room. So for the family and people to realize she gave presents that will mean a lot to them. Also it shows that she is willing to change. Also it shows that she is a caring and loving child.

C) Why do the others react with enthusiasm to their presents?
Other reacted with enthusiasm because as they were opening the presents they were happy because what ever they wanted they got it. Also they were enthusiasm because they will enjoy it while it lasted.

4. A) With a partner, discuss Mr. Frank’s statement, “There are…no locks that anyone can put on your mind?
What Mr. Frank meant about his statement “there are…no locks that anyone can put on your mind” is that no one can change the way you think and it matter is to know what to do with you life and what do you want to do in the future.

5. A) What is the historical cause that forces the Frank to go into hiding?
The historical cause that forces Frank to go into hiding are that they Nazi’s were killing Jews so they had to move so they can not be found.

B) What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?
The effects to their daily life is they barley had money, food and they were crowded in a small room with eight people. Also they sometimes were fight and good days. They had to live in a place where they couldn’t move a finger at all.
6. In Scene 2, Anne and Peter discuss that stars of David on their clothes. A)What effect do the Nazis’ intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews?
In my opinion I think that the effect Nazi’s intend to wearing the star to have on Jew is for them to make them see that they were not humans and that they weren’t that important like the Nazis were.
B) What background information about the war and the Nazis’ treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effect?
The link intended the effect of the Jews were they will be the concentration camps, and discrimination against the Jews.

7. Complete an organizer like the one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.

Reveals character and relationships: When Mr. and Mrs. Frank are thinking and talking of getting rid of Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan. As Mr. Van Daan comes out of the middle of night to get some food and Mr. Mrs frank hear a noise and they get up and see Mr. Van Daan eating a piece of bread. They started an arguing that he was the one eating all the food and they barley noticed it. This shows that they don't like each other and they want to be away from each other and not talk to them at all because they think they are taking disadvantage of them.

Advances the action of the plot: To advance the plot Anne does not want the Van Daans to go because she became really close friends with Peter. And she does not want him to leave her. She keeps insisting that is not right for them to leave. But at the same time Mrs. Frank that Peter does not have to stay that he could stay. But Peter say he will leave if his parents left because he will not feel right without them.

Develops the conflict: The conflict develops by Mr. and Mrs. Frank not kicking out the Van Daans.

Page 870#1-9

1. What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend?
What I like about Anne is that she was a girl of my age and she talks about what is going on. Also she talks about how she talks back to her mother and at the end they sort of get along. In my opinion I will like to be her friend because she was a strong girl while the Holocaust was going.

2A)What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year's Day?
The disturbing news that Mr. Kraler brought on New Year's Day was he told Mr. Frank that someone had a feeling that they did not go to Switzerland.

B) What hint does this give about the ending of the play?
The hint that gives the ending of the play is that they might get caught by someone and they will be sent somewhere else. Also be separated.

3A)What is the time span of Act II?
The time span of Act II is 1944-1945. So the Holocaust was almost ending.

B)How have the characters changed since the end of Act I?
The character have changed since the end of Act I by them getting closer and getting a long more. Also they barley fought and they were all friends and even consider each other as family even thought not all of them were related.

C)How do you know that Anne has changed?
I know that Anne changed is when Hanukkah came and she gave everyone presents on what she had or on what she found in the room. Also she changed by not fighting with Peter a lot and at the end them being friends.

4A) How can Anne believe that " spite of everything ...people are really good at heart?"
Anne can believe that "In spite of everything ..people are really good at heart" by her still having hope. Also that she will soon be free and everything will go back to normality. So she think she will see her friends and go back to school.

B)What does Mr Frank mean when he says: "She puts me to shame"?
What Mrs. Frank meant as he says "She puts me to shame" is no matter what was going on she had the best hope of everything. She thought that everything was going to go back to the normal life but at the end it doesn't come out that way.

5.For each of the following events, identify one cause and one effect: A) Mr. Van Daan's decision to steal food
The cause that gave Mr. Van Daan to steal is that he was hungry and he said that he always had the smallest piece. Also he wanted everything for himself. The effect was that he was selfish he didn't care about everybody else the only thing he cared about that he ate.

B) Mrs. Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave.
Mrs. Frank's changed heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave was Peter and Anne got closer. Also the Van Daans didn't have no where to stay at.

6. What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship.
Some possible causes Mrs. Van Daan's attitude towards Anne and Peter's relationship is that they are not just friends that they are something more and in the room they are not talking they are doing something worse like when she was with boys when she was a little girl.
7. Living in close quarter has multiple effects on the residents of the "Secret Annex." List three effects that results from this single cause.
1.They barley had money and food to eat.
2. There were strict rules for no one can catch them.
3. There was barley room to move in and you had to share rooms with other people in the room

  • Character
  • Action
  • Motivation

Brings flowers and cake to the attic room.

She is a helpful person.
Mr. Van Daan
In the night Mr Van Daan went to get a piece of bread.
He doesn't care about other people he is selfish.
Peter Van Daan

He has a cat and at the beginning he didn't like Anne but at the end he gets a long and kisses her in the cheek.
He is mean but as you get to know him he is a person that is nice and well to talk to.

9. What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding.
The possible motivations that a informer might tell the author about the family hiding was they needed something to get away,were sometimes happy to be together, sad because some were separated from each other, fighting if you didn't get a long, and they were going threw starvation

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust

  1. About 6 million Jews died by the Nazi's.
  2. There was a castle called Haetheim it was a castle that killed people with physical and mental disabilities with poison gas.
  3. In January 1933 the Nazis took over Germany.
  4. Euthanasia means "good death"which is painless death. You are dying slowly.
  5. More than 9 Million Jews where in Europe in the year 1933.
  6. Hitler had a big army of people it included big adults and even little kids.
  7. In 1945 Jew emigrated from Germany to Austria.
  8. Ann Frank was a little girl that wrote diaries and she was going threw the Holocaust. She wrote everything she saw and at the end she died.
  9. Woman that were either pregnant or with small children can not work because Nazis called them"incapable of work".
  10. The woman that were labeled "incapable of work" they were sent to killing center where they were in groups and put in gas chambers.
  11. Hitler was a great speaker.
  12. Hitler's mother was going to abort the baby but she didn't so luckily Hitler was born.
  13. Woman were either beaten or raped in camps or ghettos.
  14. Pregnant Jewish woman were forced to summit abortion.
  15. Many woman escaped but if they got caught they will either be held or dead.
  16. Babies were killed after they were born.
  17. Some Kids that were born in the ghettos and the camps survived because prisoners hid them.
  18. About 5,000 children were born with disabilities and were killed.
  19. Jews were one of the fourth groups that were targeted.
  20. In the ghettos children died from starvation.So they barley had food to eat.
  21. Jew were all piled up and the bodies were so skinny.
  22. Hitler wrote about 7 books when he was in jail.
  23. Hitler was in jail .
  24. About 85,000 Jew made it to the United States between March 1938.
  25. Many people were gassed or shot at.
  26. Some woman will eat their jewelery for the Nazis can't take it. They will put it in the bread and then the Nazis will beat them up.
  27. The holocaust lasted from the years 1939 to 1945.
  28. In December 11, 1941 the Nazis declared war in the United States.
  29. Ann Frank father survived the Holocaust and he published book.
  30. Some people wrote on what they experienced in the camps and in the ghettos.
  31. In May 17 1934 Jews were not allowed national health insurance.
  32. Germans killed their parents and two brothers.
  33. In the ghettos there were people that were writers and poets.
  34. About 5 million non-Jewish were victims of Nazis.
  35. The first victims were the disable people.
  36. There are some people that think that the Holocaust never existed.
  37. About 300 prisoners escaped through the barbed wires.
  38. Over 100 prisoners were recaptured but they were shot.
  39. Kids were forced to clean the streets in front of everyone.
  40. Homosexual were also the targeted.
  41. People died from starvation and diseases.
  42. Twins were part of medical experiments.
  43. Eva Galler was a survivor from the Death Train. She was with her brother and sister but they got shot at and they both died.
  44. Jeannine Burk was also a survivor she was a hidden child that now she is Secretary.
  45. Plans and operation had names.
  46. Jewish with passports had to stamp a "J" for they can be separated from the rest of the people.
  47. Jews did not commit suicide because it was against there religion.
  48. Joseph Sher was also a survivor from the Labor Camps.
  49. If a baby cried it will be killed or kicked out of the camp.
  50. Some Jews were lucky to be fled by the Nazis.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

Old Woman story:

I always wanted meat to eat. I was a mean woman that liked to
bake a lot. My house was beautiful full of things that I baked.I loved
children I always wanted one. I want them for I can just give them all the
food they want and see how they are going to fat. Then one day I had a feeling that i was going to have some kids arrive I started to clean the house and bake. I milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples and nuts. Everything was going so perfect. Then I heard a noise, someone was in my roof. I stopped finishes putting the pancakes in the table and I opened the door. I saw a girl and a boy in my house eating. I was acting so kind and invited them in the house. I told them to lay down in the beds they seemed so hungry. Then I graved the girl and told her to start cooking for his brother because I was not going to feed them in the mouth. The girl at first didn't want to but then she started to follow my instructions. Then as days pasted the boy was getting fat but the girl was skinny. I was made because I was thinking on cooking them. Then I screamed at the girl and told her that if she didn't eat she will be my dinner. The girl got scared but she still didn't eat. The next day I woke up early and I heated the oven I was going to cook her. I was happy because I was going to finally eat meat. The girl got up and i told her to come to the kitchen she came and I told her to get in. Then she said that she couldn't fit but i told her that I can even fit there. We started to argue when I saw myself inside the oven burning. My whole body was burning I did not want to die like that. I was screaming and screaming until I was completely dead.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

Each day I saw her she was like a beautiful flower. She talked and talked and never got tired. She got my attention when I first saw her. I barley talked to her because she was annoying. But I guess that's the way I started to like her because of what she said and what she did. She was so beautiful I never wanted to her to notice that I liked her. She named everything she saw. She really liked the moon and stars. I also liked them but I didn't want to catch her attention that much or else she won't leave me alone. All I could just think of her, he eyes were beautiful, her face it was beautiful like a rose in the garden.
Monday Noon: I saw that I was not as bright as Eve. She was so intelligent she just used new words each day. I was not that smart but as Eve talked to me I got a little smarter. We were to different people. We were different in every way.
Friday,tuesday, wednesday,thursday and today:It has been a lot of days that I haven't talk. I really missed her is like i almost died if I don't see her. I learned a lot from her. She was so intelligent I really liked her. Then i saw her naked she was trying to cover up but all I looked at was her pretty face. I think she liked me also and she missed me also.
After the Fall:
Forty Years Later: She had passed away. I missed her talking to me. Now I was alone I didn't see her pretty face nor her smile. I really missed her a lot. I was in her grave yard and I said was "Wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden."

Friday, May 1, 2009


One day there was a butterfly named Pally she was eating pollen. Then bird Paco came and asked her if he has his brother. With the pollen in Pally's mouth she started to talk. Paco said what are you saying. Pally kept talking and Paco didn't understand anything. As Pally finished the pollen Paco told her she should have some respect.

Never talk with your mouth full it is disrespectful