- About 6 million Jews died by the Nazi's.
- There was a castle called Haetheim it was a castle that killed people with physical and mental disabilities with poison gas.
- In January 1933 the Nazis took over Germany.
- Euthanasia means "good death"which is painless death. You are dying slowly.
- More than 9 Million Jews where in Europe in the year 1933.
- Hitler had a big army of people it included big adults and even little kids.
- In 1945 Jew emigrated from Germany to Austria.
- Ann Frank was a little girl that wrote diaries and she was going threw the Holocaust. She wrote everything she saw and at the end she died.
- Woman that were either pregnant or with small children can not work because Nazis called them"incapable of work".
- The woman that were labeled "incapable of work" they were sent to killing center where they were in groups and put in gas chambers.
- Hitler was a great speaker.
- Hitler's mother was going to abort the baby but she didn't so luckily Hitler was born.
- Woman were either beaten or raped in camps or ghettos.
- Pregnant Jewish woman were forced to summit abortion.
- Many woman escaped but if they got caught they will either be held or dead.
- Babies were killed after they were born.
- Some Kids that were born in the ghettos and the camps survived because prisoners hid them.
- About 5,000 children were born with disabilities and were killed.
- Jews were one of the fourth groups that were targeted.
- In the ghettos children died from starvation.So they barley had food to eat.
- Jew were all piled up and the bodies were so skinny.
- Hitler wrote about 7 books when he was in jail.
- Hitler was in jail .
- About 85,000 Jew made it to the United States between March 1938.
- Many people were gassed or shot at.
- Some woman will eat their jewelery for the Nazis can't take it. They will put it in the bread and then the Nazis will beat them up.
- The holocaust lasted from the years 1939 to 1945.
- In December 11, 1941 the Nazis declared war in the United States.
- Ann Frank father survived the Holocaust and he published book.
- Some people wrote on what they experienced in the camps and in the ghettos.
- In May 17 1934 Jews were not allowed national health insurance.
- Germans killed their parents and two brothers.
- In the ghettos there were people that were writers and poets.
- About 5 million non-Jewish were victims of Nazis.
- The first victims were the disable people.
- There are some people that think that the Holocaust never existed.
- About 300 prisoners escaped through the barbed wires.
- Over 100 prisoners were recaptured but they were shot.
- Kids were forced to clean the streets in front of everyone.
- Homosexual were also the targeted.
- People died from starvation and diseases.
- Twins were part of medical experiments.
- Eva Galler was a survivor from the Death Train. She was with her brother and sister but they got shot at and they both died.
- Jeannine Burk was also a survivor she was a hidden child that now she is Secretary.
- Plans and operation had names.
- Jewish with passports had to stamp a "J" for they can be separated from the rest of the people.
- Jews did not commit suicide because it was against there religion.
- Joseph Sher was also a survivor from the Labor Camps.
- If a baby cried it will be killed or kicked out of the camp.
- Some Jews were lucky to be fled by the Nazis.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
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