Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

Old Woman story:

I always wanted meat to eat. I was a mean woman that liked to
bake a lot. My house was beautiful full of things that I baked.I loved
children I always wanted one. I want them for I can just give them all the
food they want and see how they are going to fat. Then one day I had a feeling that i was going to have some kids arrive I started to clean the house and bake. I milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples and nuts. Everything was going so perfect. Then I heard a noise, someone was in my roof. I stopped finishes putting the pancakes in the table and I opened the door. I saw a girl and a boy in my house eating. I was acting so kind and invited them in the house. I told them to lay down in the beds they seemed so hungry. Then I graved the girl and told her to start cooking for his brother because I was not going to feed them in the mouth. The girl at first didn't want to but then she started to follow my instructions. Then as days pasted the boy was getting fat but the girl was skinny. I was made because I was thinking on cooking them. Then I screamed at the girl and told her that if she didn't eat she will be my dinner. The girl got scared but she still didn't eat. The next day I woke up early and I heated the oven I was going to cook her. I was happy because I was going to finally eat meat. The girl got up and i told her to come to the kitchen she came and I told her to get in. Then she said that she couldn't fit but i told her that I can even fit there. We started to argue when I saw myself inside the oven burning. My whole body was burning I did not want to die like that. I was screaming and screaming until I was completely dead.

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