Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 8- the end

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explanations. (1860)

  • Family
  • Age
  • Beauty

In the story it gives us examples of family, age, and beauty. We know that each other these things happens. But in the story it does not it tells us the complete opposite. For example we know that a family supports each other in the bad and good thing and help each other out. But in the story family is people that just worry about the society and how they look in front of people. For example Mr. Button kept on saying what will people think when they see his 70 year old baby. Also the story said that Benjamin was alone and that his parents were barley in his life. In my opinion this type of family is a family that just think on how they look and not what they really have to feel about their own family.

Another example the story gave us was the age. Well we know that we all grow to grow old. But in the story it gave the opposite. What I mean is in the story one baby was born to be 70 year old baby and as years past you keep on getting younger. For example in the story it said that as Benjamin started becoming younger he almost looked like his father. So you could identify them as brothers. So this means the age in the story make you process things that you already know and then you end with nothing. So you do not remember anything that happened to you and you will just die as a baby just seeing the dark.In my opinion I think that the age in the story weird.

Beauty is another thing people look at. Beauty for us is something that just tell us if we look young with no wrinkles if we look good. But in the story it tells us the complete opposite. It tells us that beauty is very important that you just have look at yourself and see that your face is so beautiful that you look perfect. For example in the story it says that Benjamin kept looking at is face and noticing that he is becoming younger and he just wants to dance with young girls and leaving his wife. So beauty in the story is having a beauty that makes you a person to look at. SO the story just gives us the complete opposite and with different thinkings.

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