Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Reflection Questions on Night 152-156
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Diary of Anne Frank
1. The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why?
The hardest rule that would be for me is to be quiet and not move from 9 a.m. till the clock strikes 6:00 p.m. It will be hard for me because I can’t stay still for a lot of time and be quiet if especially I have people next to me.
B) How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?
These objects are connected to the rest of the act because that was the last things that he has of his daughter Anne. Also it was the only thing that was left behind and means a lot to Mr. Frank.
B) What do Anne’s presents show about her?
What Mr. Frank meant about his statement “there are…no locks that anyone can put on your mind” is that no one can change the way you think and it matter is to know what to do with you life and what do you want to do in the future.
The historical cause that forces Frank to go into hiding are that they Nazi’s were killing Jews so they had to move so they can not be found.
The effects to their daily life is they barley had money, food and they were crowded in a small room with eight people. Also they sometimes were fight and good days. They had to live in a place where they couldn’t move a finger at all.
In my opinion I think that the effect Nazi’s intend to wearing the star to have on Jew is for them to make them see that they were not humans and that they weren’t that important like the Nazis were.
- Character
- Action
- Motivation
Brings flowers and cake to the attic room.
In the night Mr Van Daan went to get a piece of bread.
He doesn't care about other people he is selfish.
Peter Van Daan
9. What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding.
The possible motivations that a informer might tell the author about the family hiding was they needed something to get away,were sometimes happy to be together, sad because some were separated from each other, fighting if you didn't get a long, and they were going threw starvation
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Fifty Things I Know About The Holocaust
- About 6 million Jews died by the Nazi's.
- There was a castle called Haetheim it was a castle that killed people with physical and mental disabilities with poison gas.
- In January 1933 the Nazis took over Germany.
- Euthanasia means "good death"which is painless death. You are dying slowly.
- More than 9 Million Jews where in Europe in the year 1933.
- Hitler had a big army of people it included big adults and even little kids.
- In 1945 Jew emigrated from Germany to Austria.
- Ann Frank was a little girl that wrote diaries and she was going threw the Holocaust. She wrote everything she saw and at the end she died.
- Woman that were either pregnant or with small children can not work because Nazis called them"incapable of work".
- The woman that were labeled "incapable of work" they were sent to killing center where they were in groups and put in gas chambers.
- Hitler was a great speaker.
- Hitler's mother was going to abort the baby but she didn't so luckily Hitler was born.
- Woman were either beaten or raped in camps or ghettos.
- Pregnant Jewish woman were forced to summit abortion.
- Many woman escaped but if they got caught they will either be held or dead.
- Babies were killed after they were born.
- Some Kids that were born in the ghettos and the camps survived because prisoners hid them.
- About 5,000 children were born with disabilities and were killed.
- Jews were one of the fourth groups that were targeted.
- In the ghettos children died from starvation.So they barley had food to eat.
- Jew were all piled up and the bodies were so skinny.
- Hitler wrote about 7 books when he was in jail.
- Hitler was in jail .
- About 85,000 Jew made it to the United States between March 1938.
- Many people were gassed or shot at.
- Some woman will eat their jewelery for the Nazis can't take it. They will put it in the bread and then the Nazis will beat them up.
- The holocaust lasted from the years 1939 to 1945.
- In December 11, 1941 the Nazis declared war in the United States.
- Ann Frank father survived the Holocaust and he published book.
- Some people wrote on what they experienced in the camps and in the ghettos.
- In May 17 1934 Jews were not allowed national health insurance.
- Germans killed their parents and two brothers.
- In the ghettos there were people that were writers and poets.
- About 5 million non-Jewish were victims of Nazis.
- The first victims were the disable people.
- There are some people that think that the Holocaust never existed.
- About 300 prisoners escaped through the barbed wires.
- Over 100 prisoners were recaptured but they were shot.
- Kids were forced to clean the streets in front of everyone.
- Homosexual were also the targeted.
- People died from starvation and diseases.
- Twins were part of medical experiments.
- Eva Galler was a survivor from the Death Train. She was with her brother and sister but they got shot at and they both died.
- Jeannine Burk was also a survivor she was a hidden child that now she is Secretary.
- Plans and operation had names.
- Jewish with passports had to stamp a "J" for they can be separated from the rest of the people.
- Jews did not commit suicide because it was against there religion.
- Joseph Sher was also a survivor from the Labor Camps.
- If a baby cried it will be killed or kicked out of the camp.
- Some Jews were lucky to be fled by the Nazis.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hansel and Gretel
bake a lot. My house was beautiful full of things that I baked.I loved
children I always wanted one. I want them for I can just give them all the
food they want and see how they are going to fat. Then one day I had a feeling that i was going to have some kids arrive I started to clean the house and bake. I milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples and nuts. Everything was going so perfect. Then I heard a noise, someone was in my roof. I stopped finishes putting the pancakes in the table and I opened the door. I saw a girl and a boy in my house eating. I was acting so kind and invited them in the house. I told them to lay down in the beds they seemed so hungry. Then I graved the girl and told her to start cooking for his brother because I was not going to feed them in the mouth. The girl at first didn't want to but then she started to follow my instructions. Then as days pasted the boy was getting fat but the girl was skinny. I was made because I was thinking on cooking them. Then I screamed at the girl and told her that if she didn't eat she will be my dinner. The girl got scared but she still didn't eat. The next day I woke up early and I heated the oven I was going to cook her. I was happy because I was going to finally eat meat. The girl got up and i told her to come to the kitchen she came and I told her to get in. Then she said that she couldn't fit but i told her that I can even fit there. We started to argue when I saw myself inside the oven burning. My whole body was burning I did not want to die like that. I was screaming and screaming until I was completely dead.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Adam's Diary
Friday, May 1, 2009
Never talk with your mouth full it is disrespectful
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Outcasts of Poker Flat
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens of Poker Flat
-Bad luck
If I were to blame someone or something for the outcast deaths I would blame the bad luck. I will blame it on the bad luck because Earth does now when a storm but it informs it when it is already coming or occurring. Also it is on the bad luck because sometimes you have a good luck and sometimes you just don’t that is just how life is. Also in the story it said that one day it snowed and then the sun came out. But a day before Tom left it snowed but it wasn’t that bad. But when he left the storm got really bad and the rest of the people died. So the weather was their bad luck. Unfortunately they barley got good luck. So in my opinion I think that I will blame it on the bad luck.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Kate Chopin
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment"
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"Desiree's Baby" The Sequel
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Flowers for Algernon
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 8- the end
- Family
- Age
- Beauty
In the story it gives us examples of family, age, and beauty. We know that each other these things happens. But in the story it does not it tells us the complete opposite. For example we know that a family supports each other in the bad and good thing and help each other out. But in the story family is people that just worry about the society and how they look in front of people. For example Mr. Button kept on saying what will people think when they see his 70 year old baby. Also the story said that Benjamin was alone and that his parents were barley in his life. In my opinion this type of family is a family that just think on how they look and not what they really have to feel about their own family.
Another example the story gave us was the age. Well we know that we all grow to grow old. But in the story it gave the opposite. What I mean is in the story one baby was born to be 70 year old baby and as years past you keep on getting younger. For example in the story it said that as Benjamin started becoming younger he almost looked like his father. So you could identify them as brothers. So this means the age in the story make you process things that you already know and then you end with nothing. So you do not remember anything that happened to you and you will just die as a baby just seeing the dark.In my opinion I think that the age in the story weird.
Beauty is another thing people look at. Beauty for us is something that just tell us if we look young with no wrinkles if we look good. But in the story it tells us the complete opposite. It tells us that beauty is very important that you just have look at yourself and see that your face is so beautiful that you look perfect. For example in the story it says that Benjamin kept looking at is face and noticing that he is becoming younger and he just wants to dance with young girls and leaving his wife. So beauty in the story is having a beauty that makes you a person to look at. SO the story just gives us the complete opposite and with different thinkings.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 3-7
One problem that Benjamin will encounter will be with his wife. We know that he does not like her no more and he can't stand her. Also his wife screams at him because he keeps on getting younger. We also know that she does not understand that's the way he was born . One solution to this problem is for them to take therapy and with out screaming and fighting tell his wife that it is normal. By doing this it will keep he family together but with a father and husband becoming younger.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2
In my opinion I think what Roger should do is just in front the people and family. He should say that the baby is his son and that is how he came out to be. Also that his family has to be supported so the kid should not feel different. Another thing that Roger can do is he should not worry if people talk about the baby but what he needs to have is to think that everything is normal and that he is proud that he is a father with an 70 year old baby. Roger can also should not care in what society he is because what counts is that you have a family that loves each other.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1
If I were Roger Button and saw my child as an old man. I will first probably have a heart attack. I mean having a baby that big I don't think so. That baby was too big and old to be my child. I will scream and yell that I will prefer my baby being dead than having an old born baby. Also what I would have done was if he was my son I will send him on his own. So in my opinion he could die with me not feeling sorry. Also knowing that he is my son I will not buy him clothes at all!! So he has do his own things. Also he will have to be in the streets, work and do what ever he want to do because i did not create that monster(big old man baby). Also I will adopt a real baby and say it is mine for my family can see that my baby came out so cute and adorable. And that baby I will my real baby not an adopted.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Love Is In You
Love has to be shown in a way you both feel the same thing
Have you ever felt in Love?
Well your not
Love is not when you feel butterflies in your stomach
Love has the meaning of both ways
There is abuse and real love
Abusing woman is pain for woman
There are many tears and hate in this love
Real love is when you have respect each other,
Having a good relationship
When you are in love you always have problems you are never perfect
Guys can men that think they have their life easy but they don’t
Woman have to suffer way more even if your are a mother
So before you do something think of your future
This is the love you should feel in your heart with your other half
Monday, March 30, 2009
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

Before my father passed away my mother always seemed happy like when she was cooking for us every day. She will always sing her favorite song and she seemed happy every day. But since that day that my father died it was just my mother Amy, my grandma Dory, my older brother Carl and my younger brother Brian. Then as I remembered we had one uncle named Jane he was my dad’s brother, they almost looked alike. Sometimes I even called him dad. He was sweet like my dad but he did look old.
Then one day my mother woke up so early she was very happy I was surprised. My grandma was still sad about my father’s death after 3 years old. As my uncle worked outside in the warm weather planting our crops. My mother was cooking. She seemed the same like before when my father was here. Then I saw the table done. It had an apple pie, apple juice, and some cheese. My grandma was carving in the bread. It was annoying just hearing her move the knive back and forth.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pet Peeves
- People being loud.
- Guys honking when I walk.
- When people are not clean.
- Chew like a cow.
- When people smoke.
- When people put a lot of perfume to smell good.
- When people talk behind your back and not say it in front of your face.
- When people say they are fat but they are not.
- When people tap on the desk.
- Wanna be a gang banger.
- When dogs come around me.
- Annoying people talking about something not important.
- When people talk with there mouth full.
- People rolling eyes.
- When people call private and stay quiet.
- Girls crying when they brake up with their boyfriend
- When drunk guys talk about woman with sexuality
- When people think they have money but they actually don't.
- When people talk their language and you don't understand it.
- When you are ignored.
- People snoring.
- When I can't have privacy.
- When parents make decisions for you
- People having tattoo's in the neck
- When scary movies ain't scary at all.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Top Secret
It came to our freshman year we had the same classes so we talked a lot. She had a boy friend his name was Joshua. I really didn’t like him I considered him a player and that she was using her. I told Stephanie but she didn’t believe me. Then as our freshman year ended we began sophomore year. Stephanie and Joshua had been on and off. I consider that relationship over but they always went back together. Then as we one day in October Stephanie said she was going to ditch school with Joshua I told her no because that will be a big mistake. But she still did it anyways.
Then she ditch and I did not know what happened. She continued being normal but something fishy was going on. Then one day she came crying to me saying that I was right that she didn’t have to ditch. She had done a big mistake with her boy friend. She said I am still young. I am just 16 years old. I did not know what she was trying to tell me. I told her to tell me what was going on. Then she said I am pregnant I am three weeks. Then she told me that she wanted to abort it. I did not know weather to go with her idea or not. She was barley 3 weeks and she wanted to get rid of her baby. I said it’s your mistake and know it time for you to take responsibility.
Then I told her if she already told Joshua, she responded yes but he just said its over it’s your baby not mine. Stephanie began to cry. I told her you know what lets tell your mom. Stephanie said no because she will kill her. I told her she is your mother she will be mad but she will still love you no matter what. Then she said no I am going to get rid of it no matter if you’re with me or not. But the only thing she said was to keep the secret that she was pregnant and she was going to get rid of it.
I was confused weather to tell her mother what was going on or just let her loss the baby she had in her. Then the next day I told her you now we been best friends since first grade we make mistakes but you should have the kid because you caused it to happen. As her answer she said no I am not going to be a young teenage girl with a baby aright. In that same day I went to her house and talked to her mother. Her mother kicked her out of the house but then she got her back in. Stephanie’s mother was ashamed but she was in the same case because she gave Stephanie a lot of freedom.
Then Stephanie’s mother came to the school and told the principle about what was going on and she still continued school with her big belly. She began to realize that it was her fault and she will have to take the responsibilities. So as she was about to give birth, Joshua said I am going to give our kid my last name. Stephanie was surprised. Then in the hospital they seemed happy. So the secret wasn’t that much of a secret no more because the whole school knew about it by then. So I said to myself I made a great decision on tell Stephanie’s mother on what was occurring to her. So I felt relieved when the secret was out of me. And as further more Stephanie gave me the thanks on what I have done to her life. So we are still best friends no matter if we have a bad or good life with good or bad secrets. We still love each other(no homo).
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Her Mysterious Death
William was a weird creepy guy. He always will pop out of no where. I said to the mother when Ana died was he any place close the house. She said “Yes” he was in front by the street. I thought to myself well there are only two people that could of killed Ana, it was either the mother or William. I had to investigate more. The next day I went to my office I started to research information about Ana’s life and her past accidents. Ana was in the hospital when her father died. She was threatening to kill herself. I would figure out that she might have killed herself but no it does not connect on how she would stabbed herself 7 times with a knife. Then I went to Silvia’s history. It said she had been accused of two deaths but that the cases were still not closed. I wondered.
William’s life was scary he life in a small house. Is mother was a serious killer now she is in jail. His father was a man that was a drug dealer. Then William was also a guy that abused a girl but did not get charge. This was a strange case. I had no idea of who killed Ana. I was so confused. I needed more information. Then I went to the hospital where that dead body of Ana was in. I examined her body. Marks everywhere, knife stabs in her lower body.
Then I looked in side her mouth there was a note in side it. I graved it and opened it. The note said “I’m sorry and rot in hell.” After this I called the Silvia and told her that the murderer put in a note inside Ana’s mouth. Silvia started to say what it said I told her. Then I said I will be going to her house. As I arrived Avis was outside sitting drawing. I didn’t look at the drawings but she seemed to have fun. So I knocked on her door and I explain to Silvia everything Then all of a sudden Silvia graved a cigar. I had a flash back about the note. It gave me a suspicion that it was the mother that killed her own daughter. All the clues applied to her she smoked; there is fire when you lit up the cigarette; Silvia wasn’t that shocked. I thought she had a strange face. Then I said “I am not trying to threaten you but you are the main suspect that I have” Then Silvia started to say you know what get out of my house right know you are the worst detective. So I then I walked out and immediately called the police to come and get her before she kills her other daughter Avis. So then I got my case done it was the one that killed her daughter. Then I sat down by Avis and started to see what she was drawing in her sketchbook.
The drawings were shocking I told her if I could take a look and she said” sure.” So I started to look at the drawing since the first page they were all deaths. Then I looked at her face she seemed scary. Then I came up to a page where there were two girls. One of the girls was her I guess the other one was her sister. I told her to explain what was happening. She said “I always hated my sister I stabbed her 7 times” No one aw me only her. I told her “you killed your sister?” She said yes. I was shocked. The police had arrived. Avis started to cry. She said I don’t want to go to jail. I said sorry it is too late. Then Silvia came out and said get out of my house. Avis came running to her mother. I started to walk to the police and said “sorry the mother was not the murderer it was the daughter.” They were shocked also then they said “we are going to take the girl to the police station and let her tell us everything.” I said ok. Then I walked to Silvia and said I am so sorry but your daughter Avis killed your daughter Ana. She let go and she said you killed you own sister why!!!! Silvia started to cry. I grabbed Avis and said don’t worry but you will have to go with the polices. She started to be crazy and screaming no don’t take me. They took her by force and put her in the police car.
Then as they arrived in the police station she was calmed down. Then they interrogated her and but her behind bars. She was going to be in jail for 15 years. She started to feel bad of what she had done. But inside her she still had hatred. Now this case is over and it comes to the next case for me to solve. This was one case that was a good one for me to solve to hope that many deaths have gone I will get the killers.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How to Make Logandale Better
Having more interesting activities will make kids realize that it is worth to be at Logandale. Also to make it better, because it will show that we want us to have attention. Another way to make the school better is to do a fundraiser as a group. Also having more field trips will help with on what teachers are teaching us. Making a little push to the kids will make them interesting.
Teachers should persuade kids that they will have a good education. Teachers can show that learning can be fun. Also teachers can show that learning is a way to educate kids and that you can enjoy it. Another example is to make sure they will get the lessons and if they are having trouble try your best so that kids see that they are getting attention from their teacher. Do you want to have fun but also be in school.
Having the joy to have recess for kids shows us we are still kids that enjoy it. Having freedom shows us that we are still kids. Another way to make Logandale a better school is to make the right to have a little bit of fun. It also gives us an extra time to be with friends and enjoy the weather. Do you want to continue school?
Making Logandale a better school is a way to keep in and not get out. Having more interesting activities will make kids realize that it is worth to be at Logandale. Teachers can persuade kids that you will have a good education. Having the joy to have recess for kids shows us we are still kids that enjoy us. So do you want to be in a school that has a lot of fun things for you?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Zuly's Moreno Life Story
As i was sweating it was 12:50p.m. I was still in pains. The head was coming out my baby girl started crying. I felt so relieved. She was a beautiful girl that was in me for 9 months. As they took my baby to a nursery room. They took me to another room to rest. As I was resting it was already October 30, 1994. My baby was born a day before Halloween. I was so not that happy because in Mexico there is a saying that "if a baby is born before Halloween that baby is the baby of a witch." But I just ignored it. Then it was 2:00 on that same day they brought me my baby she was chubby and fat. She looked like an angel. She was very quiet, then i gave her, her bottle she was drinking that milk as fast as she could. My husband and I had different names for this baby. So at the end we named her Zuly Naydaly after a famous Mexican actress.
As we arrived home her brother and sister were ancient to see her. They said she was cute. But her sister was jealous because she was getting all the attention. As the my baby girl grew up she started to walk when she was 1 year old. uly was a little girl that amazed me becuase he first word was "mama". I was surprised becuase the rest of y children said "papa." She ate normal she barley got sick and was a beautiful girl. But her sister started to like her. Zuly was babtist when she was 3 years old. As time past she started to go to school. For the first day she did not cry she was actually happy that she was starting school., Then when she was 5 years old she started to learn how to ride a training wheel. So every summer she will ride her tricycle with her brother and sister. As she became to be 8 years old her father started teaching her how to ride a two wheel bike. I will see her struggle but she kept on trying until she finally got it.
As time past i started to see that she had her own freedom but she is still that Little girl that came out of me. Now i see her as a great daughter that brings me happiness. Her school work is awesome and she is enjoying her childhood. As more years past she will still be the same little chunky baby that i had.
Friday, February 27, 2009
What I Wish from President Obama
What harm are immigrants going to do in the United States? Thanks to immigrants we have not harm anyone but we actually help them in making the population grow. This means even though they are immagrants they want their children to be citizens and have the right to be legal. Also schools will have more children to have better opportunities. This means that they will keep moving and become someone in their life. Also one thing that harms the United States is families being apart. This means that the United States will have a lot of homeless kids with out their parents or guardians. Barack Obama you should not waste your time?
Having a border will not solve anything. Immigrant will still cross but not get caught. So why can't we let mmigrants have a chance to be in the United States. Also immigrants want to start getting a better life than they have in their country. Doing a border will not solve anything because it will cause money, which is going to the garbage. So it will be a waste of time. Barack Obama we should have a chance.
What have immigrants done to the United States? Immigrant have done a lot to the Unted states we have worked for citizen people. Also we hae had the chance for us to graduate and go on to a collage or a Univercity.Another example is that immigrants have build the United States because we have came here for centuries. Immigrants are the people that should be reward. Like letting them get papers.
From Barack Obama I expect a lot from immigration and the border that separates the United States and Mexico. What harm are immigrants going to do in the United States? Having a border will not solve anything. What has immigrants done to the United States. We should give immigrants a chance.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Life Changing Event
It all started when I was in 4th grade. I notice that my breast were growing. It was kind of a bad because i noticed that i was changing. So, then it was on a September day that my mother bought me my first training bra. I was like what is this for. My mother said this is for your boobies to hold them up. It was used to hold them. I made a face that said i did not want to wear a bra. My mother was you have to wear it because you are grwoing up. Also this will help you develope more as a girl. So the next day when I went to school I put on the bra. Then i went to school. It felt so uncomfortable. It felt so ichey. When i was in class i was okay but when i got home I had to take the bra out. When I took it off my breasts had a rash. As soon as my mother came home I told her that i has rashes. She told me not to wear it no more so then she bought me another bra in a different material and that bra did not make me get the rash. And that bra was comfortable. As i got older my breast started getting bigger. So I had to pick up my own bra in a differend size.
As I started to be older i started to not argue about wearing a bra. But i have to be careful when I buy my bra because then i can get alergic. Now buying bra's is not that bad becuase it helps me a lot. So as my breast keep growing it will change me a lot.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Parent Are/ Are Not the Best Teacher
Parents tell you the right and bad things on what to do and what not to do. One example is that they talk about drugs, alcohol, and smoking which is a bad thing. A good thing is to stay healthy. Another example is that if you have a friend that betrays you, you know that you have to pay attention to what kinds of friends you have. Finally your parents tell you that school is important and they do not want you to drop out. As soon as you come out your parents are the ones helping you.
Parents teach you since you are born. They know what we like and what we don’t like. Also they see what you are feeling like if you are sad or mad. Another example is parents see if you’re annoying, quiet, lazy…etc. In my opinion your parents know you since you were that little baby in your mother stomach. Do you want your kids to see you as a friend?
Also parents are the teachers because you can trust them and they will give you advice. One example is if you have the curiosity of sex. Your parent might tell you that it is an action that you take when you are older not at a teenage age. Also your parents tell you that if you have a boyfriend you have to make sure he does not use you because that means you are not worth anything. Also an advice they might tell you is if someone is talking about you, you have to ignore them because they do not know you very well. Parents are you doing the right choices?
Parents are the best teacher to teach their children the best. Parents tell you the right and bad things on what to do and what not to do. Parents teach you since you are born. Also parents are the teachers because you can trust them and they will give you advice. So parents are you teaching your kids that right way and talking to them seriously?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Skill Everyone Need
Learning how to read is necessary for every place you go. One example is if you are in school and you barley came from Mexico you will need to learn how to talk it by taking lessons. Also you will have to learn how to read not only silent but also out loud. As a grown-up if you are looking for a street you have to know how read the sign. But not only signs but also letters that you get because here in the United States we get mail in English no matter if you are Hispanic. Knowing how to read you can get a job.
Working is a everyday thing that some people do. For example most jobs you need English. Also when you are working you can teach other people how to work the machine or the office. Another example is if you are working and an employee comes to you that he or she needs elp you ofcoarse have to help them out with their language. People can consider you crazy becuase you are using words in English that you could barley pronouns.
Communicating you are doing everyday. For example talking to pears, family, and friends. Also if you are lost and there is an American person that talked only English you will have to tell him or her for directions. Another example how to communicate you can be bilingual. You can help yourself around the world.
In conclusion, we need a skill to be successful in our lives. Having how to learn English is very important. In the United States that is the most language we speak. So to learn English you need to read. Have a job or work. And finally you have to communicate with people. So you make the choice of making a successful life with a skill that will help you and other people around you.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Best Day Ever
As we waited for Jaymee's mom we watched TV and we stated talking about boys. So then the door opened it was Mrs. Dory Jaymee's mom. She was like "hey young girls are you ready to go out and party" We were party no but movies "yes". Then we got ready and Mrs. Dory said "you guys should take cans of soda so we did. As we got out the back door Mrs. Dory was "you guys better NOT be flirting around with boys." Then we all started laughing. Then Jaymee told her mom "you see you are always embarrassing me." but we barley made attention to it because Jaymee's mom was "cool."
We got to the theater we got out of the car and went inside. We had told Mrs. Dory to pick us up like at 10:00. She was OK. So then it came to a decision that we all wanted to see The Bee Movie. We lined up and got our tickets. Then another line for the popcorn. As we got our food we had to go to the room 7 to see the movie. We sat in the chairs and then we started eating. The lights started to turn off slowly.As other previews of other movies came in the screen. We started to throw popcorn at each other. As we watched the movie it was not that funny but at least it was a best friend night out. A the end of the movie the lights went on again. Then as my friend Elizabeth put in her jacket she could not find her MP3. She started looking in the buttom of the seats and she started getting really mad. Elizabeth started swearing becuase she could not find it. We searched around for it but no MP3.
At the end Mrs. Dory had come back to pick us up. Then the MP3 was in her car. Elizabeth was happy. We all enjoyed the night together and hope we will go out one day again.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
25 Things I want to do in my Lifetime
- I want to fall in Love
- I want to go to Rome for my honey moon.
- I want to get married.
- I want to have a art career on teaching.
- I will like to see the moon up close.
- Also I will like to be an important person in life.
- I will like to have 2 kids (a boy and a girl).
- I will like to life in Spain.
- I want to learn Italian Language.
- Also I want all the CONVERSE in all the colors and styles.
- I want all my friends to stay together all my life (Elizabeth, Karen,Jaymee,Amanda,kierra, Jose,Julian,Michael, Bernie)
- I want to see all my friends to be someone important in the world that has to remembered.
- I want to FINALLY want to stop cuttting myself and stop suffering.
- I want my brother to have a perfect life.
- I want to have my catillion.
- I will want to see the Mexican players in a real stadium.
- I will want to see my children to see me as a friend not a mother.
- I want live in Mexico before I die.
- I want to get my piercings.
- I want to make my parent grandparents.
- I want to finish college and high school and not drop out.
- I want to make other people lifes better.
- I want to go to the Sears Tower for the first time.
- I want to have a good job with a big pay.
- I want to make my own Fashion clothes and give it to poor people
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Her Smile
Then she said "so what are you up to," I said nothing much same thing doing homework studying hard. She was like, oh I have a big surprise for you but you have to wait until it comes to you. I thought to myself what it could have been, but my mind was not thinking as usual. I went to my room and my mother to the kitchen. I was doing homework and she was cooking for our dinner. The food smelled delicious. I thought she was doing my favorite food but no it wasn't. I just kept thinking and thinking nothing came to my mind, nothing at all. My mind was just blank.
Then all of a sudden someone came knocking on the door I was surprised because nobody ever comes visiting us at all. But it was just my dad and my little brother. I thought my father brought the surprise but no. As time past everyone was quiet, we were eating. My mother, father, my sister, and my little brother they were all smiling at me and I smiled back but I still wondered.
Another knock on the door my mother hurried to open the door. I was surprised by the knock and the way my mother ran. Then a unknown voice. I wonder who it was. Then everyone came to the living room. I was shocked there was a cute man older than I was. He was like five years older than me. He looked like he was in his 20. Then as we all sat down my father started talking. He said "this young man here Diego, is the man of your life we want you guys to marry as soon as possible. I jumped up off the sofa I said, dad are you serious I barley know this guy named Diego. I am still young, I am not ready to make my own family with a stranger. My mother said it is time that you make your own family you are old in of to make us your parents happy. I said make you guys happy by marrying this guys. Then Diego said I am not that guy that will abuse of you I promise.
Then in his knees he knelled down and said "will you marry me." My answer was, "no". He begged that he will make me happy but my answer still was a no. My mother said plaese do this for us, her smile tried to convince me, but i was just not ready I wanted to keep studying. Then as nicely i ask Diego to leave and that he should find another woman that is not me. He left with the ring in his hand. My parents were all sad but that was my answer. As months past my parents got over of what i did but they got my idea that i wanted to be someone important in my life. So at the end as more years past I was looking for a partner that I will love and he will love me. But not only this but that I got to know this person and nobody had to get a man for me.